Wednesday, July 28, 2010

False alarm

Yes. That's what the post from July 8 was. It was very disappointing because Maliki did in fact make such statement and it was reported the next day by numerous local and Arab sources. It was probably a statement that he made without enough thinking or without the approval of other powerful members of his coalition.

Anyway, it's been 20 weeks since the election and there's still no sign of a solution. The prospects of proposals and potential solutions fluctuated so much that it's even tougher to predict what's going to happen than it was last time in '05-'06.

For some reason a number of politicians are expecting the UN Security Council to intervene decisively and even take over government formation process after a meeting scheduled for August 4. I don't know where or why they got this impression!


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JohnG said...

The US founding fathers got it mostly right. It is true there are many checks and balances, but the idea of having an executive branch and a separate legislative branch was a very good call.

Though in 2000 it took the Supreme Court to stop the politicians from mucking up the executive election - see Florida 2000.