Thursday, September 14, 2006

Iraqi soldiers prevent a massacre.

Iraqi soldiers defused a 2000 pound vehicle-born bomb that was prepared for detonation in downtown Baghdad.

Aswat al-Iraq News Agency reports:

MNF sources today said that a force from the Iraqi army found a vehicle loaded with 2000 pound of explosives in central Baghdad.
"On Wednesday morning soldiers from the 6th IA division found and defused a massive amount of explosives that was placed inside a vehicle in central Baghdad"

Iraqi soldiers sealed the site around the vehicle…because of the great amount of TNT explosives in that bomb it was not possible to do a controlled detonation in the same place. A team of unexploded ordnance disposal experts from the Iraqi army arrived and disarmed the bomb.

This bomb could have been the largest bomb in Baghdad since the multiple attacks on the Palestine hotel compound in October last year.
I can only imagine the casualties and destruction that bomb could have caused had it not been discovered and disarmed…Well done men!

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