Monday, August 28, 2006

If I had known…

Says Hassan Nesrallah giving us in the Middle East a topic for a new debate.
Reactions and evaluations to this statement and its timing vary a lot; supporters of Nesrallah consider it a move of courage to admit one's mistake and this is another "virtue" to add to the qualities of the Sayyed's persona as if he isn't yet satisfied with the number of titles he already "won" during the latest war and earlier wars.

On the other hand those who disagree with Nesrallah and his party consider the statement an admission of defeat and an evidence of the confused policy of Hizbollah and an opening for future defeats.

But I here would like to see what lies beyond "if I had known" and what's beyond what lies beyond "if I had known" to identify the dangers within that statement…

First of all I see neither the virtue of admitting mistake nor the transparency of a leader toward his followers in Nesrallah's words and I also do not see an evidence of accepting defeat.
What I see is evidence for a dangerous new type of arrogant despotism.
Nesrallah, by admitting he was wrong or "pleading guilty" in this manner is smugly defying law and taking light the Lebanese state and I'm positive he wouldn't have said that if he knew there was an institution to hold him accountable for what he did and said…

Simply this statement is a declaration that he does not expect prosecution for what he did.

Putting an end to the mess in Lebanon that was caused by an outlaw group can only be done from inside Lebanon and I see that the Lebanese government should use Nesrallah's words as evidence to file criminal charges against him and hold him accountable for every drop of blood that was shed and every building that was destroyed because of him "not knowing".
This is most necessary to save Lebanon from destruction at the hands of other Hassans who think that being unaware of the consequences is enough apology.

What I want is to someday in the near future watch Nesrallah saying "I didn't know Lebanon had changed so much since the cedar revolution and if I had known I wouldn’t have made that statement."

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