Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Iran flirts with Iraq's Sunni extremists.

This report published on today's Azzaman talks about efforts by the regime in Iran to open dialogue with the Association of Muslim Scholars which represents the extreme Sunni clergy in Iraq.

Iraqi political figures residing in London rejected an Iranian request to mediate talks between Iran's government and the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq…

It's interesting that despite the huge ideological difference between Iran and the Association-that goes as far as that each one of them considers the other one Kafirs-the announced Iranian willingness to support anyone who wants to fight foreign troops and force them out of Iraq makes the leadership in Iran overlook the ideological difference.

The reports mentions that Mahmoud Ahmedinejad has secretly allocated an annual budget of up to 1 billion dollar to support Iraqi parties and trends that share the same interest; fighting the MNF that is. An IRGC former officer is supposed to be in charge of spending under this budget.
The report also indicates that there are efforts underway to bring in some Kurdish groups.

I am not the least surprised by this information, and if this report is accurate then it shows clear that Iran wouldn't mind allying with even al-Qaeda if that could make Iraq fail.
This is how Iran had been planning to keep the war going on in Iraq because they think this is the best way to keep war away from Tehran.

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