Thursday, November 10, 2005

With the number of blogs coming out of Iraq increasing day by day, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of all of them (don’t look at the sidebar, there are over 300 hundred more blogs out there!) but today I came across this blog by a 13 year old girl from Mosul that really impressed me with her writing style and spirt. She wrote this in the ‘about me’ section:
… My school is far away from my home & the way to it is dangerous , so every day considered as a challenge. I have many dreams & ambitions, I wish that one day they become true . I want to be an engineer in the future , my mom always support me to accomplish my ambitions … optimism is my strategy always… Computer & internet are my life & what I do in my spare time , But if we don’t have electricity, I spend my spare time reading , writing, listening to music ,& doing some handmade work … I found that Blogging is a great way to express my thoughts , opinions, & feelings to the world ,to get friends & to share them my happy & sad moments….

And in a post about referendum day, she wrote:

But every one has different opinion even in my family , some agreed with the new constitution & some disagreed , today I knew what the democracy mean.
I saw Nineveh TV , all the programs were about the constitution & the referendum. The people opinions were also dissimilar , I thought in the beginning that few people only will contribute in the referendum . but I didn't anticipate that huge number of contributors .
Although I can't vote , but I have my OWN opinion , I can share it with my family ..

Yet her mother (a fellow blogger and fellow dentist) can’t feel the hope and optimism within her own household…I don’t know why is that so but I hope the mother could learn a little from the daughter.
I’ve blogrolled both of them; don’t forget to check their posts.
And by the way, Kurdo is back to blogging after a very long hiatus and so is Liana after a not so long vacation.

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