Sunday, July 31, 2005

Some security-related news.

Multinational forces and Iraqi forces have together prepared a "well studied" plan to seal the exits of Baghdad and other provinces and provide security for Iraqi voters on the day of referendum on October 18; the plan came under the name "The bolting bobcat" said the commander of the 256th brigade of American troops.

The American officer also said that American troops have absorbed the lessons from previous experiments especially that of the January elections and he pointed out that Iraqi forces are now more capable of handling more sophisticated security tasks than they were before after substantial improvements in quantity and equipment.
"Areas around Baghdad like Abu Ghraib and Doura will take higher priority in our operations" said the officer who also stated that sharing intelligence and establishing good communications among the units of the multinational and Iraqi forces were the main focus of the plan.

Meanwhile, local police force in Falluajh is back to action after 18 months of absence.
Brigadier Salah Al-Aani from the Fallujah police force announced that a first group of 240 policemen have started conducting security tasks in the town and he encouraged the residents to cooperate with the this force and help his men stabilize the town.

Translated from Al-Mada.

In another development, Iraqi Army is about to receive the 1st 5 T-72 tanks which are part of a total of 77 main battle tanks of the same model.
These tanks are going to be the main power of the Iraqi Army's armored division

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