Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Let the work begin.

In a press conferefnce in Baghdad a few hours ago, Prime Minister Ibrahim Al-Jafgari announced that he handed the presidency council a draft that contains the names he included in his cabinet.
This resolution came after getting over the last bump that was delaying the process; the bump was actually created from within the Iraqi Alliance block itself. The story started after PM Jafari accused Al-Fadhilah Islamic Party of being too demanding by asking for the post of the oil ministry without having a qualified candidate while the spokesman of Al-Fadhilah put the blame on PM Jafari claiming that Jafari favored a candidate who lived abroad the post of oil ministry. The spokesman exact words were:

"It seems that Dr. Jafari thinks that the sons of Amara are not classy enough to get the post of the oil ministry".

After being approved by the presidency council, the list will be submitted to the National Assembly to gain trust in tomorrow's session which is not a regular session since the regulations of the Assembly state that sessions are to be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week, so apparently the decision to hold an exceptional session tomorrow was made to relief the tension on the streets caused by the delayed announcement of the new government.

It's highly expected that the presidency council will approve the cabinet without objections and so will the National Assembly tomorrow as the names of the cabinet members were chosen after prolonged negotiations that finally led to an agreement among the major blocks of the Assembly (except for Allawi's block that chose not to take part in the cabinet) something we have expected some time ago.
So the majority of the Assembly members-or at least the key members-have already agreed on the nominations submitted by Dr. Jafari.

After the discussions on this subject have ended, there will be a more critical mission awaiting the National Assembly, which is the writing of the new constitution of Iraq and if the interim government is going to last for 6 months only, the constitution will last for the a much longer time.

Still, I expect drafting the constitution to be a relatively smoother process than anticipated because the politicians and the Assembly Members have gained some sort of experience from the negotiations in the last several weeks and the began to know how to deal with their differences. I see that they're learning what can be done and what cannot be, what can be tolerated and what cannot be, how to respect each other and above all; how to respect the people and their responsibilities toward to the people.

News link here and here in English and here in Arabic.

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