Thursday, April 07, 2005

I received this announcement via e mail, very interesting indeed:

Something wonderful is happening in Washington, DC. On May 14, several groups made up of Arab, Iranians, Kurds, Assyrians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, Sudanese, Muslims, Christians and Jews will converge on our nation's Capital for a rally against terrorism and to support freedom and democracy in the Middle East and the Muslim world. This will be the first rally of its kind in Washington DC that is led by Muslims and Middle Easterners.

Please join us and help us send a message of hope to the people of the Middle East who seek freedom, democracy and the elimination of extremism and terrorism.

This rally is NOT limited to Muslims and Middle Easterners. We request anyone and everyone who supports our message to join us at the rally. We want to send a message to the extremists and terrorists that American Muslims, Christians, Jews and people of all faiths are united in the goal of building a better world.

We welcome all endorsers and we ask that you circulate this message to as many groups and people as possible. Help us make history.

I think this initiative deserves some attention and support; more information about it here.

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