Sunday, April 03, 2005

The association of Muslim Scholars denied in a statement (Arabic) that was distributed yesterday that the association is responsible for the latest fatwa that encouraged Iraqis to join the Iraqi security forces.
The latest statement from the association said that yesterday's fatwa wasn't approved by the secretary or the spokesman of the association explaining that "Um Al-Qura" mosque from which the fatwa in question was released doesn't officially represent the association.

It's obvious that there are major disputes among different wings of the association as the group that signed the fatwa includes members of the association as well as prominent supporters (like the dean of the Islamic studies college) and these people collectively make up a large part of the material and moral base of the association.

I expect this group of men who are trying to choose a more moderate and logical attitude will be subject to great pressures in the future and I think the Syrian regime which supports the radical wing of the association (represented by Harth Al-Dhari) will probably instruct its agents in Iraq to launch an assassination campaigns to eliminate those 64 men.


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