Friday, April 01, 2005

Ahmed Al-Baghdadi is a Kuwaiti intellectual. he was sentenced to a year in prison, paying a 2000 KD fine (7000$) and he had to sign a paper in which he promises no to return back to crime again!!

Let's see what Ahmed's crime was like.
Ahmed learnt that the government wanted to increase the hours of teaching Quran and Islamic religion in schools and that would be on the expense of the music class. So Ahmed "committed his crime" and wrote the following on Assiyasah (The Politics) newspaper:

Is there no end for this backwardness?

I don't want my son to receive lessons from some ignorant people who teach him to disrespect women, non Muslims and many others and I don't want those culturally retarded uneducated people who choose the curriculums to fill my son's head with myths about Satan.
And frankly speaking, I don't want my son to learn *"Tajweed" because I don't want him to become a cleric or a Quran reader, reading the verses over dark graves. I also want to protect him from the possibility of joining terrorism whether practically or mentally.

Bottom line is, I want my son to have a future that makes me proud of him, his knowledge, mentality and work and I don't want to have him raised and taught in a way that makes me ashamed of his doings in the future.
Is there no end for this backwardness

* Tajweed is the specail way of reading (slowly singing) Quranic verses.

We have said it earlier; totalitarian regimes are to blame for planting extremism and feeding it through imposing their visions on people and interfering in everything without having the least qualifications to do so.
Ahmed and brave fellows like him have had enough of those regimes and they decided to speak themselves without fear from inevitable punishment.
We are fighting a fierce war against powers that still live in the dark ages, but this time we have the dare to speak out loudly. We know that we're not alone and all freedom lovers are on our side.

I salute this brave Ahmed; his courage is impressive and deserves all respect.

From a Kuwaiti blog named Free Brain (link in Arabic).


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