Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Hi everybody, I apologize for leaving without saying even a word; that wasn't a nice thing of me to do.
I went with Mohammed and a bunch of friends for a vacation to the north of Iraq and we have just returned back this afternoon. The people there were celebrating "Nawrouz" or the Kurdish New Year as well as the arrival of the beautiful spring season.

As a matter of fact, I thought that I would be posting from there but the beautiful sceneries and the ton of fun we had didn't give me the chance to blog anything.
It was also a vacation from the news and the media and I tried to avoid reading anything (even blogs) all the time I was there so I am totally clueless about what's happening in this world and I think it will take some time before my (blogging neurons) heat up again and start functioning!

I'd also like to apologize to all those who sent me e mails and didn't get a reply back from me; I'm trying to read and reply to as many as I can as soon as I can.

I'm still tired from the road but I'd like to share a few photos with you, here, here, here and here.

Serious blogging will be resumed tomorrow, hopefully.

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