Sunday, December 26, 2004

I was living a nightmare yesterday because of some stupid error with bloggeer or maybe with my ISP's server. I couldn't view my blog and all I could get was a blue screen, no posts, no side-bar…..simply nothing!
I went to take a look at my template and found that most of it was missing.
I was telling myself, OH MY God, everything is gone. I even considered moving to a new URL which would mean losing all the history of the past 13 months.

With a miracle, I found an old backup file that contains a previous version of the template contents, I uploaded it and again, nothing but a blue page. I went to haloscan and searched for new comments and it was kind of a relief to find new comments coming (which means someone CAN view the blog) and I began to read them through haloscan in a desperate attempt to remain in touch with my blog and the readers.

Only this morning I could see my blog again. What a relief!

I don't know if you noticed that mess or not because I'm not sure of the source of the defect but I'm sure you noticed that many of the side-bar links are missing and I received some e mails from the readers saying that the comments link either doesn't exist or they can't post their comments onto it.
Replacing the lost links and preparing a full report of the damages and fixing them will take some time.
Please accept my apologies for this inconvenience.

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