Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Iraqis on Strike!

Employees of “Iraquna” cellular phones company declared a strike in protest for the kidnaping of two of their colleague and they also stated that they want to know what the company is going to do for them (the kidnaped).
From Radio SAWA (Link in Arabic).

This strike surprised the company administration and 400 000 participant (I’m one of them). I had to be a true miser with the last card I had for two days, but thankfully the crises seems to be solved somehow as today I got another card and it seems that there’s no shortage whatever now as I knew from the store owner.

It’s true that the kidnaping were less before the war but I’m sure it’ll get better soon. The government need to be more tough on the criminals and the IP need more training and reform. The good news is that some of the Iraqi tribes have decided not to defend those who commit kidnaping, meaning that the tribes law will not apply to them and no one will be revenged for arresteing them which has been always a huge obstacle to justice in Iraq, and instead they would further charge them with high bills after the law deals with them as a punishment for disgracing the tribe's name. (Al-Sabah. Link in Arabic)

Despite the sad event on which the strike was based and despite that I got personally affected by it, I still feel it’s a good thing that hundreds of Iraqis performed an organized protest. Such things you could never hear or even dream about before the war.

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